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Sweet N Sour Chicken

This is something we eat a few times a month, cause its goood!

Get yourself some: 

-1 pkg. frozen chicken tenderloins
-1 box instant rice (or use my instant pot rice recipe!)
-2 steamable frozen broccoli (or snow peas or whatever you like)
-green onions

For sweet-n-sour sauce:

-little bit of ketchup (opt. for color)

Then take those items and: 

Cook your chicken in a pan with oil.

Cook your rice.

Steam that broccoli (or cook it how you like to).

Then boil 1/2 C water and 1/2  C vinegar and 3/4 C sugar (you can double this and freeze it).  Once boiling, I remove from heat and mix 1/4 C cornstarch with 1/4 water (whisk that shit so it's not lumpy--I use a butter knife to do this in the measuring cup).  Then add that cornstarch water into the pan, and voila!  Sweet-n-sour sauce.  I add a teeny bit ketchup for color, but its not needed.

Then I put all the first stuff together (broccoli, chicken, rice, and whatever I have on hand) and drizzle sauce over top and top with onions. EASIER.  THAN.  PIE.  Way easier, actually!  And tastier!

Well, really now, what's tastier than pie??

Image by Jonathan Valencia from Pixabay

About Shay Brooks


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